Sonntag, 28. Januar 2007

Missing: Chocolate and strawberry/vanilla 180's

Nu är det över. Den sista 180:n är ensam kvar. Candyse lämnade mig igår. Inte officiellt, men hon åker två veckor hem till Californien, för att komma tillbaka hit en endaste dag, ta sitt pick och pack och flytta till München. Det är ju inte så långt bort, men det är ändå en era som går i graven. Inga mer 180-crépes, 180-frühstück på Padeffke, couples dinner osv.

Candyse, you make life better for everyone around you, even when you boss people around, and especially when you make up rumours about your self! You are the only one who have had more crépes and waffles than me, you always know better (a real Klugscheisser...), your german is great and you love fancy lipgloss as much as I do! I'm gonna stalk you in München, count on that! It's a real Arschkarte to be without you! Miss you already schatzle, get back here soon bitte!

Back in the good ol days of Sprachkurs.

1 Kommentar:

Bodil hat gesagt…

Now it's over. The last 180 is all alone. Candyse left me yesterday. Not officially, but she went back to California for two weeks, to come back here only one day and then move all her stuff to Munich. It's not that far away, but it's still the end of an era. No more 180-crépes, 180 früstück at Padeffke or couples dinner.

Candyse, you make life better for everyone around you, even when you boss people around, and especially when you make up rumours about your self! You are the only one who has had more crépes and waffles than me, you always know better (a real Klugscheisser...), your german is great and you love fancy lipgloss as much as I do! I'm gonna stalk you in München, count on that! It's a real Arschkarte to be without you! Miss you already, get back here soon bitte!