Wir wohnen nicht mehr in Reutlingen, sondern in Frühlingen. Now it's really spring here, which sucks, because I'm soon leaving for the north. I'm sure it's gonna be all snowy and cold there. Yesterday I got a new spring jacket, the parka I've been eyeing for a while now. Took it for a walk this morning, and it's perfect for spring.
I found some tusenskönor outside my building. Aren't they meant for summer? That's not even spring flowers!! But they're pretty to look at, so I don't mind.
I've noticed a very popular topic on my sisters blog, guess the animal. Since we don't really have a rich fauna here, I just let you guys look for the typical german animal in this picture. And look at the wonderful weather we have today!
2 Kommentare:
Tusenskönorna have been in blossom here all "winter", and now we have the vintergäck (the yellow ones)too.
Can't wait to get back home to have a look at swedish spring!! :)
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