A while since I posted, but now I'm back. Nothing has really happened, so I haven't had anything to blog about, and at the same time I haven't had the time to either.
Yesterday I had dinner with Daniel, Ali and Gautam. "We" cooked some indian food. Ali and Gautam did most of the work, and we kind of just observed and learned. Indian food is tricky. I learned how to make that indian bread, Rotis (hope that's the way to spell it), and they turned out pretty good.
Me making rotis.
Gautam baking them.
Today when I woke up it was snowing like crazy, and it actually stayed on the ground and didn't melt right away. Not fun at all! But it all melted and dried up after a while. I went to stadtmitte for a coffe with Daniel and then lunch with Nick.
Almost all the people on my floor are going away for the weekend, so I'm gonna be here all alone. Boring. But I got the new James Bond movie on DVD today. So I have something to do. And I'm gonna be working some too. I'll make time pass. Can be good with some alone time too, after what can only be described as a Hector-Nick-Daniel-OD the last two weeks. Have fun in München guys!! :)
2 Kommentare:
Ahahaa... and when you get bored with Bond (as if...) you can always watch house md and then you'll be happy!
Two words for u sis: AS IF! ;)
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