Last friday we had our Stockwerksparty. We had a 60's 70's theme, and rented the Wurmbar. Lots of people came, and since the theme is pretty open, people looked very... different. We had lots of fun, and also made some money for the Stock.

Me, Nick, Frizie & Myran looking all 60's/70's
The following saturday we went on a adventure trip to Bodensee. We left at 8 o'clock in the morning, and after the big party the night before, we all were pretty tired. First stop were in the Abenteuer Steinbruch. Here we got to ride a zip rope. It's like a linbana, and you ride hanging only from a harnest. I was really afraid before trying it the first time, but it was sooooooo much fun!! Then we got to ride a mechanical bull, wich is also lots of fun to watch, but I was not really that impressed with the ride.

two swedes riding the bus
2. Stock+ wearing harnests

Me on a repbro

Stefan was first out on the zip rope
Back on the bus, and we went to Meersburg. A very pretty little town just by Bodensee. Here we walked through town, and then we had a wine tasting. I didn't know anything about wine before, and this was only local wines, so it was very interesting (and good). We had really good dinner at a nice restaurant, and then we took the boat to Konstanz. Here we met up with Daniel, who spent all weekend to ride his bike around Bodensee (han är gaaalen!). We had time for a quick drink, and then we headed back to Reutlingen.
The day was perfect, and me and Andrea ended up in 4. Stock Litthaus to watch Eurovision Song Contest with the other Swedes. (We all know that fel låt vann!) :D
1 Kommentar:
Fel låt vann! This is how it should have been...
1. France
2. Georgia
3. Ukraine
4. Russia
..and I can't remember any of the other songs, so I say Sweden in 5th.
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