Dienstag, 13. Februar 2007

Get active!

Today me and Daniel went to Stuttgart for some shopping and hanging out. Took the expressobus to the Flughafen and then the S-bahn to the city. The cheapest way to get there, but certainly not the fastest. Oh mann that bus is slow. Daniel got to look at some nice cameras and I got myself a new pair of shoes. Just what I needed! And they were on sale, lucky me. After walking around for a couple of hours, eating lunch and icecream we met up with a neighbour and some friends of his for a coffee at Starbucks. We got a ride home with them in their car. Nice.
Back in Reutlingen we went to Bauhaus to get some new Mülleimers, one for Bio and one for gelber Sack. Jemand hat es geklaut this weekend (WHO steals garbage cans? And for Bio?!! Blä!) Now we have new and nice ones.

Now I need some dinner and a nap. Tschüssle!

Riding the S-bahn.

Daniel relaxing after some italian icecream

New shoes, exciting!!

2 Kommentare:

Fahrräder hat gesagt…

Damn, you are an All-Star!!

Bodil hat gesagt…

I know, I really am!!