Last weekend my dad visited. We didn't really do much, but it was mostly about seeing eachother. He arrived in Reutlingen friday night. We checked him into the hotel and then had dinner. Saturday morning we went into Stuttgart to do some shopping (that's where I met my soulmate), we had lunch and then we went to Bad Cannstadt. First we spent 2 good hours in the Mercedes Museum. I've been there before, but for anyone who loves cars you can't visit this place enough! After this we were off to Frühlingsfest.
Frühlingsfest is mostly about drinking lots and lots of beer. It's served in 1l glasses, and you have to drink it fast or it goes flat and warm. So that's what we did. A lot. Ending up with lots of drunk people (of course), a good share of drama and one pair of broken sandals.
Me and my new best friend from Saturn

The whole 2. Stock group + dad at the Mercedes Museum
Lots of beer and Skål! at Frühlingsfest

Nick, me and the sandal from hell (never trust 95ct shoes!)
Monday was last of April, in sweden known as Valborg. A day of lighting fires to scare off evil spirits of winter. And of getting drunk (like all other swedish traditions...) We got all the swedes of Reutlingen together to celebrate. Some other people joined, and I suspect that we might have managed to scare them off instead... We had a barbecue and listened to swedish music all night. This might be the first and only time I've had Björn Rosenström playing on my computer! It was a really good Valborg, and we even cheered for the swedish king who had his birthday.
All the swedes (half swedish Niklas missing)

Me and Daniel
1 Kommentar:
Look! It's all pink and stuff. Nice phone. I understand that it is your new best friend and that you need no other friends now.
Dad looks happy with all the cars. Well, actually you all look happy.
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